A variety of jobs with great conditions!

A variety of jobs
with great conditions!

  • 5 work days / week

    5 work days
    / week

  • Day-time job

    Day-time job

  • No overtime

    No overtime

  • Near a university hospital

    Near a university

  • Station nearby

    Station nearby

  • Bonus: more than 4 months worth

    Bonus: more than
    4 months worth

Register here

The Career Change Support Center
for Specified Skilled Worker Visas

will lead you to jobs with fantastic deals,
all for free!

  • Over ¥1200/hour


  • Bonus / rewards

    Bonus / rewards

  • Free apartment / corporate housing

    Free apartment /
    corporate housing

  • Day-time job (with after-hours work available)

    Day-time job
    (with after-hours work available)

  • Free visa renewal and flights to Japan

    Free visa renewal
    and flights to Japan

  • Station nearby

    Station nearby

  • All details available such as work
    environment or company housing!

    ll details available such as work environment or company housing!

    After a job change, many find themselves in an unsuitable work environment. The Career Change Support Center for Specified Skilled Workers helps those from other countries. Rest assured, we offer support regarding housing information on company-owned apartments or relationships with colleagues, etc. that no other job site or magazine can give.

  • We can negotiate the terms
    with companies on your behalf

    We can negotiate the terms with companies on your behalf

    Salary, night shift, paid vacation and other employment conditions are hard to bring up.
    Let us take care of the difficult negotiations.
    Our professional advisor will deal with corporations for you regarding salary, work hours, paid vacation and your other requests. We will make a better job change possible.

  • You can look for a new Job
    while still working

    You can look for a new Job while still working

    Many of you must be currently working, struggling to find the time for job hunting. We can come to meet you or call for a consultation. We can adjust your interview time and other services are all free as many times as you need. Just let us know.
    Even if you’re currently in technical intern training and just want to get a Specified Skilled Worker Visa, we will support you.

  • An advisor assigned to you
    will offer complete guidance

    An advisor assigned to you will offer complete guidance

    For study abroad students and those in technical lintern training
    From gathering job information through to setting up an interview, we are here for you.It is hard to build a resume or prepare for an interview all by yourself. The key to a successful career change is to consult with a pro.

Application Form

Current VISA status
When does your visa expire?
Period of stay
Choose desired occupation
Preferred job type
Years old
Desired annual salary